
Music & Problem Solving

Another personal and business skill the study of a musical instrument helps promote is problem solving. Playing music presents a constant flow of problems which the musician has to deal with and eventually solve in order to have an acceptable performance. These musical problems can be technical, physical, musical, mental or environmental. Good musicians learn to become excellent problem solvers.

I had a music theory professor in college who said " performing music is simple, it's just doing the right thing at the right time." This is an accurate statement and is why computers do a great job at playing musical notes precisely. However, if you listen to computer generated music or .mid files you hear a very mechanical uninspired rendition of a piece, not the expressive performance of a "real" musician.

The technical ability to play the notes, at the right time with the right attack, dynamics, expression and phrasing encompasses the spirit of musicianship. The ability of the performer to package this for his / her audience is at the heart of performance even if the audience is only the performer. The ability to package ideas and solutions to effectively present to others, to critically think and work through intricate problems to resolution are skills businesses are looking for in their employees. Many great historical problem solvers were also musicians....Einstein comes to mind.

The awareness of the performance environment and it's impact on shaping the performers presentation is also a critical aspect of music & problem solving. Is the performance a recital? a competition? what is the audience looking for? how will I be judged? what is the instrument like? is the performance theater conducive to my needs ? Again, these questions are also pertinent in the business world. Employees that think about these issues and look at "the big picture" are highly valued by employers.

Determining the main issue or heart of the problem and figuring out a solution is a basic element of musical performance and something every musician has to deal with over and over. It's a skill that's learned over time and becomes part of ones thought process. Many of my advanced students analyze a piece of music before attempting to play a single note, looking for the "problems" that will need to be solved.

When employers were asked about their most creative problem solving employees it was discovered most had a musical background.

Woodland Creek Music teaches students how to solve problems.

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