
Music & Long Term Focus

Musicians like other artists practice their skills many hours a day. They practice, repeat, refine, correct, analyze what went right and what went wrong refining their performance with razor like focus. An advanced musician will work for months on a single performance skipping the instant gratification for the big kahuna. Obviously, as a piece of music is learned there are many performance milestones that give the musician peace of mind and keeps them on the path to success.

The beauty of music is that most musicians start at a young age (5-8yrs old) so these musical skills are learned and developed while the musician matures. This process causes these skills to become an innate part of the musicians psyche.When problems arise in life or business that require strategic thinking, long term solutions or long hours of uninterrupted thought the musician says bring it on! I've been there many times before and know how to be successful.

In today's world where everything runs on Internet time and everyone wants gratification NOW, these learned and practiced skills of long term focus, analysis and concentration will be a highly valued by employers. For those doubting the benefits of music education, here's justification #3 highlighting another reason the study of music belongs in every child's life.

Woodland Creek Music teaches the art of Long Term Focus

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